Recently I’ve been working on staff account creation automation and wanted to use employee IDs as the unique identifier. So before I could unleash my script to create accounts I needed to populate all existing users with their IDs. Here is a script I wrote that can be easily adjusted to update other AD attributes as well.
This will look at the sAMAccountName and if it exists, update the employeeID attribute.
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
$csvFilePath = "\\scripter\FTP\TylerIV Export\DL\employeeidupdate.csv" # Modify this to the correct path of your CSV file
$employeeIdColumn = "Employee ID" # Modify this if the employee ID column has a different name
$samAccountNameColumn = "sAMAccountName" # Modify this if the SAM account name column has a different name
$users = Import-Csv $csvFilePath
foreach ($user in $users) {
$employeeId = $user.$employeeIdColumn
$samAccountName = $user.$samAccountNameColumn
$adUser = Get-ADUser -Filter "sAMAccountName -eq '$samAccountName'" -Properties EmployeeID
if ($adUser) {
# Update employeeID attribute
Set-ADUser -Identity $adUser.SamAccountName -EmployeeID $employeeId
Write-Host "Updated employeeID for user $($adUser.SamAccountName)"
} else {
Write-Warning "Could not find user with sAMAccountName '$samAccountName'"
Sample on how to format the csv
Employee ID,sAMAccountName